Software Application

What Is Website Maintenance and Why Is It so Important?

Website maintenance is the act of regularly checking your website for issues and mistakes and keeping it updated and relevant. This should be done on a consistent basis in order to keep your website healthy, encourage continued traffic growth, and strengthen your SEO and Google rankings. Website maintenance can easily become one of those things as it doesn’t always present immediate issues. However, just like your health can fall apart if you go too long without a regular check up, so can the health of your website. Regular monitoring of your website is a must for keeping your business running smoothly.

  • Updating of information and photos on the site
  • Maintaining the functionality of the website e.g. making sure the gallery and videos continues to function.
  • Adding new links and pages to the site.
  • Ensuring there are no broken links (web pages that are missing) on the site.
  • Run a backup and make sure a previous version of your site is stored.

Tips for maintaining site effectively

  • Ensure all the information on the website is up to date.
  • Ensure that there are no links which do not lead to a page (broken links).
  • Ensure that every page of the website is accessible from the menu navigation within a few clicks. Pages which visitors cannot reach are of no use.
  • Ensure that any new happenings in your business or industry is mentioned on your site. This shows visitors you are active and well informed.

Web Administrator

Sanket Sawant
Web Administrator

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